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written by Sam Greenspan

Old man lamb, panda love and a cake disaster classic.

Here are the two runners-up and one champion of the Best Picture I Saw This Week…

Second runner up: Old gray lamb ain’t what he used to be

This lamb was recently born in a remote village in Russia with a strange facial deformity that makes him look like a crotchety old human man. Or that mean elf from Harry Potter

I hope in some small way I can be a part of this lamb’s journey from runt of the litter to international celebrity.

First runner up: Panda smash

So if geriatric lambs aren’t your thing, how about panda sex champions? (“How about ‘Sentences Never Before Written in Human History’ for $800?”) Pandas have very short mating seasons — the females are in heat for about two to four days every year — so they’re not particularly sexual creatures. Thus the whole endangered thing.

The two pandas in the picture are Lu Lu and Zhen Zhen from Sichuan, China, and they aren’t listening to all the talk. They just set the world record for the longest panda sex session ever — seven minutes, 45 seconds! I particularly like this photo from it because (1) how rude is it that someone turned their sweet love into a porn shoot? and (2) Lu Lu’s smile shows me he really is the panda sex champion.

The winner!

I love messed-up cakes. (Check out my previous coverage of cakes with strange apologies and cakes with glorious typos.) The cake pictured here falls into the latter category, although in its own subset — it’s part of the “Wow, she really was transcribing everything I said” genre of cake disasters. I absolutely love it. Save me the “Dick” piece please.