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11 Pictures of Hipster Shenanigans Run Amok - 11 Points

The unique and extremely popular [citation needed] authority on pop culture since 2008

last updated on

written by Sam Greenspan

Public looming, old timey bikes, asparagus water and so much more.

I don’t have any specific beef with hipster culture. Grass fed, hormone-free beef on a gluten-free faux-caccia bun served with tempura-battered turnips fried in coconut oil. So consider this a loving, friendly homage rather than spiteful spitefest.

Here are 11 photos of hipster products, lifestyle items and general nonsense running amok.

1 | Loom life

Why do something relaxing like knitting when you could do something ostentatious and cumbersome like public loom weaving?

2 | Asparagus water

Whole Foods can get away with overcharging for a lot of things, but jacking up the price of water to $6 by throwing three stalks of asparagus in the bottle seems like a bridge too far.

3 | Old timey bike + Prius

Question: Is an old timey bike on the back of a Prius the most hipster-on-hipster combo or…

4 | Old timey bike + Apple store

…does the old timey bike parked in front of an Apple store get that designation?

5 | Dyed armpit hair

Spending money to dye your armpit hair a wacky color to match your regular hair that’s dyed a wacky color makes so many statements that it may be impossible to keep them all straight.

6 | (Hopefully) inspired by Chaplin

Not every old fashioned facial hair style needs to make a comeback.

7 | Typewriting away

It would be so tough to write on a typewriter now that we’re all so spoiled with luxuries like “backspace” and “saving.” I guess it does beat a quill and ink though?

8 | Slicing way the organic properties

I had no idea that a bread slicer could de-organicify something, so I’ve learned something here.

9 | Listening to some music

I can’t tell if the bright blue plastic record player completes the guy’s bit or undermines it. I’m leaning toward undermines. If he’d REALLY wanted to make a statement he’d have packed an entire massive gramophone. Or perhaps commissioned a small baroque string quartet to play outside?

10 | Designer stump

It feels very un-green to buy a tree stump — but only when it’s $98. Like, if a hobo was selling stumps for $4 or some vittles, my mind wouldn’t go to the environment. Here? It’s my first thought.

11 | So many stripes

If this is a still shot from a live-action movie version of a Dr. Seuss book, I rescind its placement on this list.