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written by Sam Greenspan

From Oprah Winfrey to Drew Carey to Anne Boleyn, here are the 11 famous people who were born with at least 11 un-cowardly digits.

I’m not one of those people captivated by deformities; I’d be no more likely to read Johnny Tremain if it were called Johnny Deformed. But over the past years, I have become captivated to the number 11. And that’s what’s led me to this list.

I dug deep into the bowels of the Internet to find these 11 famous people who are either confirmed to have (or strongly rumored to have) either 11 fingers or 11 toes. Or, in some cases, 12 fingers or 12 toes. But we’ll assume their extra digits were not removed exactly simultaneous, thus at some point, each of them had 11.

If nothing else, this list will be really useful if you ever find yourself in an Inigo Montoya or Monk vengeance scenario.

Famous People With 11 Fingers or Toes

The medical condition in which an individual is born with extra fingers or toes is called polydactyly. The extra digit can be fully or partially formed and may affect one or both hands and feet.

While this condition is often considered a medical anomaly, some cultures see it as a sign of good luck. And as a nod to my personal bias for the number 11 as stated earlier, here are 11 famous people who were born with this unique trait.

1 | Gemma Arterton

Gemma Arterton in a golden dress.

Gemma was born with an extra finger on each hand next to her pinky, and the doctors removed them right away. Perhaps if she’d gotten to keep them they would’ve helped her even *more* as she dominates the “vaguely exotic” actress niche.

She only landed on a few Hollywood blockbuster films such as Quantum of Solace, Clash of the Titans, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, and many others.

Maybe those extra digits are a good luck charm!

2 | Drew Carey

Drew Carey with eyeglasses and a crowd behind him.

Drew Carey is an American actor, comedian, and game show host who was born on in Cleveland, Ohio, and grew up in the Old Brooklyn neighborhood.

He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and got famous in his own sitcom like “The Drew Carey Show,” “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and “The Price Is Right”. He even made appearances in a variety of movies, TV shows, music videos, and a computer game.

The mighty Internet claims that Drew Carey says in his autobiography that he was born with an 11th toe. Perhaps, the extra body quirk may have helped him carry all those projects. Anyway, I decided not to read his entire book to confirm this and, instead, take the Internet’s word for it. Which I’m already regretting.

3 | Halle Berry

Halle Berry walking in a beach showing her eleven fingers.

This is a case where maybe her foot sticks out, so it looks like she’s got the nub of an extra pinky toe on there. She’s never confirmed or denied having 11 fingers.

If only I had a foot fetish, I’d have enough expertise to weigh in more definitively on the Halle Berry 11th toe debate. (I suppose a podiatry degree would get me there too. It’s a sign of spending far too much time online that my mind gravitated to foot fetish first.)

4 | Oprah Winfrey

Oprah WInfrey in flip flops showing her extra toe.

According to TMZ, Oprah had an 11th toe… but had it removed a few years ago. If you’re the doctor there, how tempted are you to keep that toe? You know what it could bring in on eBay? Or in an elaborate phony kidnapping?

Okay, enough with the jokes. We can actually learn something here. Her 11th toe is a good reminder that even with an extra appendage, you can still put your best foot forward.

5 | Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova sitting on a wooden chair while holding a microphone,

Maria has an extra toe on each foot. And when reporters asked her, she told them, “It is an old story in Russia… they are quite cute little piggies.” Turns out, she got it from her father.

Based on the usual Maria Sharapova ratio, this means Anna Kournikova also has two extra toes that are slightly more attractive but way worse at tennis.

6 | Jimmy Cliff

Jimmy Cliff in a white T-shirt standing against a wall.

Jimmy Cliff was born with an extra finger on each hand, but the doctors removed them right away — such as not to get in the way of his jammin’.

If you’re wondering, Jimmy Cliff is a legendary reggae musician (and member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame). You bald heads might know him from his cover of I Can See Clearly Now on the Cool Runnings soundtrack.

7 | Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn with her iconic costume.

Why can’t you people just leave Anne Boleyn alone? I’ve seen various claims that she had 11 fingers, three breasts, and double fingernails. And, ya know, zero heads.

8 | Liam Gallagher

Liam Gallagher holding up a pair of shoes.

With hit songs like “Wonderwall” and “Champagne Supernova,” Liam is a “toe-tal” legend in the music industry. He’s got the “sole” power to keep his music career moving forward…

Another way he exceeded John Lennon.

9 | Antonio Alfonseca

Relief pitcher Antonio Alfonseca showing his extra 11 fingers.

Antonio Alfonseca was a relief pitcher for several Major League teams (Chicago, Atlanta, Texas, Philadelphia and the team that bought the 1997 World Series). He had extra fingers on both hands AND extra toes on both feet.

It’s hard to say if the extra finger helped him as a pitcher, but I suspect it did. After all, he was able to pitch effectively until he retired at age 35. (Which, being from the Dominican Republic, means he was at least in his mid 40s.)

10 | Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson smiling in a photo shoot, showing her 6th toes on her left foot.

Like Halle Berry, she’s been spotted with what looks like a tiny 11th toe — and her 11th might even have a little baby nail. 

Whatever. This spot on the list came down to either Kate Hudson or Honey Boo Boo’s newborn niece with an extra thumb. I stand by the Kate Hudson pick.

11 | Taye Diggs

Taye Diggs holding a peace sign with his right hand.

He is one of the people on this list who has publicly acknowledged having polydactyly.

In an interview, Taye Diggs admitted he was born with an extra finger on each hand, and the doctors removed them when he was a kid. What a shame. If only he’d kept them, he would’ve been a full 20 percent more efficient in helping Stella get her groove back.