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written by Sam Greenspan

When a school makes a mistake, everyone wins.

Kids are back in school, as I learned the hard way earlier this week when I tried to pop into a Staples to grab one little thing I needed. With the lines and crowd in there, I probably would’ve gotten it faster buying it online waiting out the shipping.

High quality, well-written bits aside, I thought I’d put together a little something here to ring in the season. And what better way to welcome everyone back to school than with school signs that fail miserably?

Here are 11 tremendously bad mistakes on school signs…

1 | Laeping to Literacy Night

From time to time, I’ll write about grammar on this website. Those are the times when I really try to buckle down on my grammar — and not employ my usual “meh, I’m too tired to proofread this again, time to just slap it up there and hope for the best” strategy. The point being: When a school’s sign is about literacy, that’s an especially bad time to demonstrate a lacking of said literacy.

2 | Free shots!

And it was the best “parent night” ever, I’m sure. Hope the custodians were ready with the sawdust.

3 | Our Teachers Make a Differance

As do vowels, sign. As do vowels.

4 | Welcome Back Gainger Campus

It’s rough pumpkins when the person putting up a school’s sign misspells the name of the school. Plus a vandal could turn this into “Gimme Anus Capable Cock” and only have the g, e and w leftover. The r would just be a waste.

5 | Dr. Martian Luther King

I for one welcome our civil rights activist overlords.

6 | KSD Students Score Higher Then State and Nataion on SAT

Ooh, the rare double mistake when praising the students’ SAT scores. I’d almost want to prank this one by just sliding that “A” up one row and absconding with the extraneous “E.” That would show ’em.

7 | Congradulation Spelling Bee Winners

Of ALL the wrong times to offer “congradulations,” a post-spelling bee victory celebration just might be the worst.

8 | Welcome To All Stds & Parents

Finally, a place where I can take my mom AND my herpes for a nice afternoon.

9 | Commited to High Standards

Not only did they miss the not-so-high standard of spelling all four words in their slogan correctly, they botched the slogan on what appears to be a permanent and expensive sign. It probably took like 12 bake sales to pay for that thing.

10 | Blue Screen of Death

Maybe this isn’t a mistake, but rather the final exam for the students?

11 | We Are Glad You Are Hear

It’s like cable news always screams, the schools just won’t stop pushing that homophonic agenda. (Well that’s my time, folks! Have a great weekend!)